August 29, 2007


It's not often I appreciate a reference to pink, but this quote from Sarah Vowell is fantastic:

"As Monique puts it: "You are understanding the pink of goth. You've skipped a couple levels and went straight to pink." The group's consensus is that pink is the apex of expert goth -- that newcomers and neophytes should stick with basic black, but those confident enough, complex enough, can exude gloom and doom while wearing the color of sugar and spice."

Though I'm left with a mild perplexion* about what level 2 would be.

If you are after a good hour's listening, Sarah's documentary about the trail of tears is well worth a listen.

* Yes, I made this word up. It seemed to say what I meant.

Posted by carla at August 29, 2007 10:39 PM
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