August 02, 2008

Everything changes and stays the same

We had Dr A and GNZ over for make-your-own-sushi last night. I even remembered to take a photo (this is our 3rd sushi night here, first time I've remembered). Dr V is visiting with them and came too. She's been travelling steadily for the last 4 months in Europe and will be finishing things off with a one month road-trip through the UK.

We were talking about our current plans, how we're feeling that we have to cut down on the places we can visit, and eliciting travel and walking advice from them. They gave us some good advice (apparently Croatia is nicer than Santorini, better beaches) and we had fun eating sushi. Sushi is almost unheard of in Cork, there are 2 places you can buy pre-made sushi and it is either very expensive or has been refrigerated, so the rice is yuck.

Dr A went to school with Muggle and is friends with a few of her and my friends. She studied with Beau, but they weren't in the same study group, so he didn't know her very well. So, we both knew people who know Dr A, but neither of us knew her (or GNZ). Coming to Ireland we've gotten to know them and they are cool people. They're not as geeky as us and we would probably never have gotten to know them in NZ, but now that we have, I hope we stay in touch.

We were talking about how once we start travelling we will hardly be back in Cork or Ireland and how we will be leaving the flat sooner than we originally thought (December). We have been thinking we will leave on 1 Nov. Dr A then suggested that we leave at the end of August and that when we are briefly back in Cork, we can crash on their air mattresses. We brushed if off at the time.

We are now thinking that is a good idea. If we can leave at the end of this month, we will save over €1000! Of course it's a good idea! I feel stink though, because when we signed up for our flat we said we'd be there 8 months. We didn't sign a contract or anything, so there is nothing legally to stop us leaving, but I feel bad, like we misled Voltron when we told him how long we would be staying.

I think our current plan is that when we leave Ireland for Spain, we don't return until the end of November, to pick up our stuff, say last farewells and do some last minute Ireland touristing (Giant's causeway)! This also means no GaleCon in Dublin in October.

My head is kinda spinning at the changes, my heart is kinda aching at the thought of leaving and the thought of causing Voltron problems, but I think this is the right choice.

Point of Fashion: Corporate Casual
Current Obsession: travel stuff

Posted by giffy at August 2, 2008 05:01 AM