beautiful monsters: (OK, when I said I might not be posting... short ones like this don’t count)

September 08, 2004

(OK, when I said I might not be posting... short ones like this don’t count)

In Salient each week they ask five random students five questions. This week was supposed to be the Pride issue of Salient, but they seem to have gone with an Anti-Destiny issue instead. On the Five page one of the questions is, “What legislation should be passed to piss off Destiny Church even more?”

Geoff (24, BA) responds: “Every gay couple receives one free kid from CYFS.”

Posted by Fionnaigh at September 8, 2004 08:25 AM

LOL - that's a very good one .... mind you i nearly spat my drink when i read it!!

Posted by: Jo Dunning at September 9, 2004 07:24 AM

My suggested Bills:
- Abolish the Charities Act and make all those crypto-companies pay proper income tax.
- Amend the Marriage Act with a ban on divorce.
- Amend the Electoral Act prohibiting divorced people to run for parliament

Posted by: hans at September 9, 2004 05:24 PM

Yay! Saw ya on QN just before. ;)
Go Fionnaigh!

Posted by: The Matt in the Hat at September 10, 2004 12:05 AM

I love it - that was absolutely classic :)

Posted by: Jordan at September 10, 2004 09:51 AM

In fact, the whole 'child from CYFS' thing is truer than you think. I'm pleased to report that if you are a good caregiver, and pass the screening that CYFS requires, you too, queer or not, can become a foster-parent. They don't care whether you're a same-sex couple. And why the frig should they? Eminently sensible.

In fact, the day of the Destiny march, me and T had an appointment that evening up in Paraparaumu to talk about the possibilities of fostering a child / children. I didn't know at the time that it'd be on the same day, but it was actually a really good antedote to the aggro feeling at the march - to be welcomed with open arms for the things we *can* and *do* offer to society.

I must say, I'm a little cynical about whether we'd be quite so welcomed if there wasn't a chronic shortage of caregivers. But I'm going to try not to go there...

By the way. Did I mention there is a chronic shortage of caregivers? If you've ever thought about it, now could be a good time to make that call...NOT, of course, something you'd do lightly. But just letting you's know.


Posted by: hinemoana at September 10, 2004 03:28 PM