Have had two successful meals since R has been away - meaning we have eaten fairly early before the screaming begins, and also that everyone has eaten of the meal prepared. These things must be celebrated, they sound so small until you have children of your own.
It has been suggested that I should take on more responsibility in the school system. It appeals to my ego, but i am not sure how the family would cope. The leader might have to move family up his list of Csiderations.
Talked to the seCdary (thesis) leader last night which is always a much better experience than i expect. he has suggested that I leave the family and go off and do thesis work - in the public library if necessary. Sounds bloody brilliant to me. Getting R to take the kids out is just not working, so lets move the mountain instead of Mohammed.
Had a Wee Discussion with the sixth form, and they seem relatively happy. They may not be doing quite the number of units that are recommended, but they will have enough... should they do some work, and learn the stuff they have been taught.
Posted by Toni at August 9, 2005 09:11 PMIt is good that you have a plan. The thesis is such a huge thing, plus with R not being home a lot so I understand you not wanting to take on extra responsibility at school. Heck, I don't have those home issues and I still don't want more school work!
Posted by: giffy at August 10, 2005 08:02 AM