Thanks to Talula, I have a simple title for this entry...
spending tomorrow on the bus going to Wellington to the zoo with some seventh formers. I think we will have a good day once I have got over the number of them that said they would come and then decided that they wouldn't. It means we will run at a loss, but what can I do? Well, I could cancel the trip, but I think we still have to pay for the bus, so we might as well go.
I've just realised I haven't taken out the money I will need to pay for them to go into the damn zoo. So I might have to pay that myself, and get re-imbursed. Bother.
I don't have anything for the horticulture class to do for their period, and I can't think of anything for them to do either. Damn. At least the real disturbers aren't there, so they could do nothing without destroying anything.
I have to drop both kids off at 7am but I don't have to cook tomorrow, as I have been invited out to tea by friend who know the leader has abandoned me at this point. He is at a course learning about how to be safe with bullets.
Yeah, I laughed too.
Posted by Toni at September 5, 2005 07:59 PM