I had a toothache for the weekend. I haven't really had bad pain from my teeth before. I hope I don't have it again, but that may not be a realistic hope.
I was in tears this morning when I rang the dentist and they said not till Wednesday. But then they created space for me, and it was 1 pm today. I was still in tears when I got to 11 science, but they coped and so did I. Kids can be a lot more sympathetic than some people would have you believe.
Me and the class worked out the cost would be about $800. The dentist reckons they are bang on. Thats pretty painful too. We all reckon the plan is to do a root canal on the bad tooth and remove the wisdom tooth. But the spoiler is the bad tooth may not even be good enough to do a root canal on, and then I might lose that tooth too.
The antibiotics and the local anaesthetic mean I have felt better this afternoon than I have all weekend. That's a sad indictment on the weekend.
Posted by Toni at October 17, 2005 06:42 PM