December 21, 2005

Shopping at speed, bikes and movies

Went into town today and bought all the Christmas shopping in one foul and obnoxious swoop. Except that it was fast and easy and didn't hurt even a little bit. I think it was the easiest shopping ever. We got H duplo, and C got duplo and a drink cooler thing. D got a lunch box, s got xmas ornaments, d got biking gloves and everyone was sorted. Great.

now we just need another secret roll of paper for the santa presents so c doesn't recognise it, and its all done. It was totally chaotic wrapping with the kids. H doesn't leave anything alone and is as happy ripping stuff up as wrapping. So the presents have been hidden away. The tree is naked cos if we hang anything on it, it falls over. Actually it falls over all the time now, and ornaments are not required for gravity effects...

C took his trainer wheels off yesterday, jumped on his bike and pedalled away. He hasn't fallen off yet! It was totally unexpected, and really great. He hates getting hurt, and we were prepared for learning the two wheel thing to be a huge drama. But no, there was no drama at all. So he gets a bike for his birthday.

Saw Narnia today, it was pretty good. I thought the computer stuff was pretty weak in places - the lion ride particularly. And the blue screen was pretty obvious at times too. But they did a pretty good job. The faun was great, totally natural looking and seamless.

Posted by Toni at December 21, 2005 06:10 PM