Friend came over last night for tea and alcohol. His family are at a tangi and away for five days. My hubby is somewhere near Taupo, so we thought we would share solitude! We got pretty much totally wasted and told each other stuff. He has picked up children's arms after bomb blasts in Ireland, and been places the government has strenuously denied sending troops to, and done some really wierd shit. And now is a family man. Also owns a bicycle worth more than my car! So he falls asleep on the couch - so I woke him up to throw him out, and as we are lifting the aformentioned bicycle over the fence the chain came off. I got it back on, and then was riding the bike. It is a beautiful thing to ride, feels a lot like flying. When I got back he was back in the house asleep again but this time on the floor... So I woke him again and sent him home.
He rang this morning and Cfessed he had gone home then retired to the bathroom to take a shit. After the event was over, he twisted round to remove detritus - and put his back out! Its going to make the funniest ACC form EVER. But I think he is planning to lie and come up with another scenario. Chicken.
Also met new teacher who has come here from Scotland to teach at my school. He has a family similar in age to mine and we had a great afternoon eating lunch, admiring what seems to them to be our enormous house, jump starting their car and getting them to a motel... Could be a great asset in the friendship stakes for us.
Posted by Toni at January 19, 2006 06:39 PMheh heh :) poor guy.
Great to have met some cool people. I bet NZ houses *do* seem really huge compared to the UK. Not that I've ever been there, but if TV is remotely true to life, their houses seem to be quite tight.
Posted by: phreq at January 21, 2006 09:12 AM