When I go to work in an new organisation I always turn up with the intention of not getting involved in the politics of the place. Just getting into my own space, and doing my job. Not getting involved in the campaigning for more space, more money or more status that occurs with any large group of people.
I'm coming to the Cclusion this is a really stupid ambition.
Every place I have been to I have been involved in the politics eventually. And because I don't actively seek alliances right from the start, or get into one or the other groups, I end up fighting from my own corner with no one on my side with me. And invariably, the fight starts over something totally innocuous, which then blossoms totally out of Ctrol.
I think what I need here is a new ambition. I need to seek powerful alliances who share some of my views on how or why to do things. The principle of getting on with my job and not getting distracted needs to be achieved with a tandem ambition to be a person with allies and influence in the organisation...
Posted by Toni at May 19, 2006 12:28 PM