I've recently been reading the weekly essays on The Edge and this weeks one is about the web. Its an interesting look at the usefulness or lack of the collective thinking of websters. It appears from this persons perspective that individuals have better thinking than the whole population.
He could be onto something there. I've noticed the average student here, which is a reasonable view of the average person in society is fairly uninterested in the higher thoughts about any subject at all. Celebrity lives and soap operas occupy a great deal more of their thinking time. If the direction of the country was dependent on their thinking we wouldn't go far.
I wonder though, if they had more resonisibility whether they would start to Csider global issues like pollution, eComics and human rights?
Posted by Toni at June 6, 2006 02:37 PMOr whether they would somehow work to make themselves celebrities with overly melodramatic lives?
Posted by: giffy at June 7, 2006 01:48 PM