July 10, 2006

And I nearly didn't notice...

The parental units rang on Friday to see if we were swimming round the house, or if things were a little better than that. Better. My new drain which had not had much to do since installation was working well, and we were high and dry. No-one could leave the town due to all the roads being closed, but if you were happy to stay in town there was no problem. And as far as i know there was no sign of the Whanganui River topping its 'banks'. The apostrophe things are because I have not seen any flood banks round this river, the sides seem unchanged by bulldozer. So anyway, we nearly didn't know there was a civil emergency on!

What we did was an entirely normal weekend of going out and staying home. I saw Pirates of the Carribean with C who enjoyed it a lot though I don't think understood much of it, and I thought it was great. One of the things I like about these movies is there is no 'deeper message'. Its a total shallow movie, feel good, great fight scene choreography and pretty scenery. Good CG and pretty people to watch.

Have only to binding round C's quilt and it is fully finished. No need to label it as the label is in the quilting... I wrote C's full name round the border and so we know it is his!

Just so you know, damn spam. Bloody damn spam.

Posted by Toni at July 10, 2006 11:17 AM