July 19, 2006

Feeling guilty

I promised yesterday that I would pick H up from his caregivers Nice and Early, as she had a lot of other places to be all at once.

After my final class on Wednesday's I usually skive off quickly and go to the library on my own and by myself. This as any mother will know is a great and very cheap way to get some books for me, rather that the latest hit by Bob the builder. Today I actually cleaned the lab and then picked up some photocopying, dropped off some adminy things, and then went to the library. I wasn't there long, but it was long enough. When I got in the car it was already the time that I had agreed to pick H up by.

I hate it when I let people down like this and also make stress in their life. I didn't mean to, but that is neither a reason or an excuse. Having a watch or actually carrying my cell phone so I know the time would be a good start to prevent this kind of situation. Ah well, I'll just have to miss out on the library next time.

Oh, and I'm trying to remember to only leave the last entry open for comments. I don't often get comments on old entries, and I'm hoping to cut spam that way. If you have a desperate urge to comment on an older entry which is closed, comment on the last entry and note where you want it and I'll move it to where it belongs...

Posted by Toni at July 19, 2006 08:26 PM

Hope the spam busting works!

I meant to say the other day that I'm like your colleague. I do lots of work on a project and when it is almost done I put it down. I think it's 'cause I can already see what it will be like finished, so I lose impetus to actually finish it. It is pretty strange, I guess.

Posted by: giffy at July 19, 2006 10:08 PM

I think there is a certain amount of grief involved in finishing a project - and also assessment. A lot of PhD's get to nearly finished and then need a deadline to actually let go of the project. Some quilts and other larger projects have the same thing. When you finish anything like that finishing also means the work can be judged, and generally that judgement doesn't really allow you to go back and fix the problems... And when these things are finished then you need something else to do - with a PhD that is a job which means the job market which is a soul destroying place to be.

Posted by: toni at July 20, 2006 09:13 AM