July 31, 2006

Under inspection

Even though the inspectors that are coming to school are not at all interested in my home life, I felt like I had to tidy up the place a bit extra today - because of the inspectors! I must be going crazy.

The husband left at about 1 this morning to go up to Auckland for a funeral, and then may be on a course for the rest of the week. A damn shame, as I would have liked to have someone to download to at night, and the six year old just doesn't understand what I am talking about. Though he is really funny when he tries to...

I went to Wellington in the weekend for the ballet, Trinity with RNZB. I enjoyed the night out, the dancing was good. I felt the middle dance was too long, and that the dancers were either bored themselves, or just too exhausted by the end. The other two were good, and the first one very funny and witty in parts. I particularly liked the last part of it, where the males turned into puppet masters and Ctrolled the dancing of the girls.
On the Sunday I went to the Cstable exhibition, which was the same thing an awful lot of other people decided to do as well. I still don't like his paintings, they are very painterly but I don't think he has a lot to say. Lovely technique no message. I also happen to think he spent a lot of time painting sky because the landscape is not very dramatic. But I had no idea he was such a Csumate draughtsman, the pencil drawings were inspirational, and much less mannered than the paintings.

Posted by Toni at July 31, 2006 09:21 AM

How is your school taking being inspected? Ours was pretty organised but the senior management got so stressed and harrassed. It made out principal crazy....er!

Posted by: giffy at August 1, 2006 07:53 AM

I'd say the leadership were giving very mixed messages. Some days they don't seem vastly worried, and the next day they are giving tips on how to cope and looking like someone should pass them some tips or some strong drink, either would do. Its like any school, there are good points and bad points, and better departments etc, so it depends a little on what they see and what they are looking for.

Posted by: toni at August 1, 2006 08:37 AM