August 03, 2006

A very brief ode to patience cos I should really be going to bed

On Thursday nights at the moment, I am going out to a community education class, and doing basic drawing. What I have noticed, basic drawing involves a lot of painting. But I digress. The other thing I have noticed is that the best drawings are the ones where anyone spends a bit of time on them. If I don't rush the washes, and put them on lightly, not dark, the whole thing doesn't go manky. When other people work slowly they produce some beautiful stuff. One guy is doing a ink wash of a shell that is absolutely stunning, and he hasn't put anything even remotely dark on it. Slowing down, and drawing what is actually there, rather than what I think is there are the secrets to me producing anything halfway decent.

I'm pretty sure every art book in creation says that. Not much of a secret.

Posted by Toni at August 3, 2006 09:35 PM