We kept the senior son home today with suspected Cjunctivitis (a very infectious eye Cdition) and took the junior son off to his usual daycare arrangements. Senior son went to the doctor this afternoon, and has possibly a tiny touch of the gummy eye syndrome, so is back to school tomorrow.
Junior son was having his face cleaned at lunchtime, and suddenly, there was yukky goo everywhere. HE had the Cjuctivitis, and no-one needed a doctor to Cfirm it. She kept him for the afternoon as he sleeps most of it, and so would be seperated from the other kids, though it was probably too late. So tomorrow I will be home again, but this time with the other kid. We can tell it is not comfortable for him - I suggested I gave him some eye medicine when we got home. "peese" he said. I told him he would have to lie down - immediate lying down. And even when I put the drops in, there was no complaining. When he got up - "Fank roo eye meddi". Repeated fanks about five times. And no complaining about another treatment round before bed either. And more "Fank roos". When he pack a sad about the drops I'm guessing he is on the mend.
I have an appointment with an acupuncturist next week, who reckons he can fix up my ankle. Heres hoping. I've never done the acupunture thing before, so should be interesting.
Posted by Toni at August 10, 2006 09:11 PM