August 17, 2006

Down, down

I'm feeling a bit down at the moment. Apparently we have only a tiny number of enrollments for next year, and so there is definitely going to be a capna round at the end of the year. I don't know whether to stay and hope I am one of the ones that stay, or to go before being pushed. The number of schools here is so small that it is unlikely that there will be any jobs outside of the October shake-up. I really like being at this school, but the Cstant worry about whether there is a job here in the future is Not Good. But the other thing is that there is no other school in town that really appeals either. I'm sure if I did change I would find things that I liked and be reasonable happy... but I don't think the whole family atmosphere thing would be the same.

Posted by Toni at August 17, 2006 09:01 AM