It should be a sort of normal week after the chaos of last week. I got all the junior test marked and the reports written, and still taught classes which was a damn fine effort. Which I have to say myself, as everyone else is just keeping up with their own issues.
On Thursday night Russ and I both had committments, but he did get a babysitter, basically by door knocking down the road at houses where we knew the people. And then his event was cancelled due to the funeral of the Maori Queen so the babysitter was not required.
Then to top it off, the battalion had their birthday in the weekend so he was away doing parading and I was a solo mum for two days. In fact he took a very slack attitude, and was around home quite a bit. But I did need a baby sitter again on the Saturday so I could get my hair cut.
The last hair cut was horrible, and I hated it from about two hours after I got home. Too long. Too shapeless. Too much hair. So getting it cut on Saturday could not be moved, as I had been looking forward to the cut for six weeks. It feels so much better really short!
One of my mommy's friends died in the weekend. She is feeling a bit delicate, it is the first of their friends to die, and bring the whole mortality thing into close focus. Poor Mommy. But it will be father who is more upset would be my guess, as he tends to freak out about dying and death. But in that manly way of the past, he sucks it all up inside... Then drinks and cries. I guess it brings the certainty of my parents death closer too, but I don't feel too affected by that. I might if I was going to the funeral. But since Origin Pacific stopped all passenger flights its a bit tricky, and I don't think I would be realsed from school either.
And its my niece's birthday TODAY. And I have nothing for her.
Posted by Toni at August 21, 2006 11:29 AM