Lets see: there was a good thing straight up after the briefing - one of the senior managers agrees that I have too many contact hours, and that I am entitled to some time off in lew/liu/lu , you know?? Time off is good.
Had a few classes today, and they were just fine. Not exciting at either end of the spectrum.
Saw the rippa rugby this afternoon, and that was fine too. Last game of the season which is both good and bad. Its gone so well this season that I am actually going to miss it, but it will be good not to be rushing around on Wednesday too.
I'm off to bed now - I'm really tired, I have a sore tooth, my monthly and a cold coming very slowly. Hope you nice people are all well and that the spammers have vicious attacks of pleurisy.
Posted by Toni at August 30, 2006 09:38 PM