September 05, 2006

house of the unwell

On Friday the littlest one was home sick, and a visit to the doctor discovered that he is still carrying the ear infection from two weeks ago. So he is on antibiotics again to try and clear up the ear.

I survived the pirate party quite well which was good. Nearly everything got done, and most of the invitees turned up - and they had a good time. There was plenty of food and most of them did not want to go home when the time came. Pirate parties are really good, and it is so easy for everyone to come in costume.

Then I went to bed - and stayed there all Sunday apart from visiting the dentist. I had a head cold and a very sore tooth - not a combination I would recommend to anyone. And yesterday morning I went back to the dentist as the pain was still the same. I am on antibiotics, and the second type have definitely made a big difference - I can eat now.

I had yesterday mostly in bed, I passed out after taking a pill and cold mixture cocktail (recommended by the pharmacist, mind you) and woke feeling a damn sight better. The husband, however came home with a fever and so I HAD to be better. He is so funny when he is sick, last night he wanted to be admitted to hospital! For a head cold! He is very brave about a lot of things, but not about feeling sick.

So today is my recovery day, and tomorrow i will be back to the chalkboard. I'm planning on spending a bit of today OUT OF BED, and that will be a lovely change.

Posted by Toni at September 5, 2006 09:46 AM

Wow, you've done lots. Yay for you calling the union and getting something positive sorted RE:too many hours! I can't believe nothing happened regarding a pay review after getting your PhD. Schools *love* having a Dr on the staff! Shame on them.

ALso, pirate parties *kick ass*!

Posted by: giffy at September 6, 2006 07:39 AM