When we bought our house, it had a swimming pool out the back. Over the last couple of months or so we have been removing the pool, and that was pretty quick and efficient. then we got to the bit of filling the hole in and that part has not gone as quick. We live about five minutes drive from the sea and our subsoil is pure sand. So we have had a five metre by ten metre sandpit out the back for the last couple on months. For the last couple of weeks we have had five truck loads of soil delivered, and R and friends have been shovelling the sand in to the hole. One more truck load should do it.
The kids have been having an absolutely fantastic time out there. They have built castles and tunnels, dug holes in the hole, and jumped off tall piles of sand. They have got incredibly dirty and have then rushed into the house dribbling sand with every movement. The shower feels more like the beach due to the amount of sand on the floor (and there's water in there too). Even the toilet is sandy, and last night I found myself vacuuming for the second time in one day due to the carpet being grey with sand. The garage has a couple of centimetres of sand on the floor... The washing machine is much the same. And it goes on... it is pernicious.
Once the yard is fairly level, we will then cover the area with grass seed, and start trying to get the sand covered. Its going to be really hard to convince grass to grow in the sand, because it is going to get so dry so quickly. This whole summer could be the summer of sand.
Posted by Toni at November 6, 2006 08:29 AM