R is away for the week down at Wellington, going to a couple of conferences. It sounds really really boring actually, so I am not jealous of him getting the break. He might get a chance to catch up with a couple of friends and family down there, but whether he does more than make a phone call depends on whether he has a car to get round in.
the obsession of the weekend was the complete lack of hot water in the house. It started leaving on Thursday night and was completely cold by Friday. Fortunately R has a key to the army showers so we went on Saturday and Sunday to the communual showers. There are three cubicles - one for me, one for R and one for the senior son. Junior son hates all water that is not in a glass, so he goes in with one of his parents. He yells for the entire time that he is in the water - but loves being wrapped up afterwards. There is more howling again if he doesn't get wrapped up. Apparently I will almost certainly have hot water again tonight. The plumber rang this morning and he reckons it will be the element, and that it will be fine. Here's hoping.
I reckon one of the best inventions of humanity is hot water. There is nothing I miss more than being able to have a hot shower every day. On occaision I have gone whole weeks with cold showers, and it is when I get the hot stuff back that I am re-convinced that hot water is the greatest.
one more day of seniors!! how long do you have to go?
Posted by: giffy at November 13, 2006 09:48 AMOurs leave tomorrow and I won't miss most of them at all...
Posted by: toni at November 13, 2006 06:06 PM