November 28, 2006

summer jobs

So the music course is over, back to reality (for want of a better word). My bank balance is down to single figures, ouch, so just as well I lined up a job starting tomorrow. It's working for Sicon, who are a company that looks after parks & reserves in the Nelson area. Should be good to get some income again, and working outdoors is preferable to working in retail for the Christmas period.

As for musical activities - major project is the new show for the Wellington Fringe Festival. It's called 'Steampunk Folktronica' and is on at the Film Archive on Taranaki Street on February 16th & 17th.

It's an alternative look at NZ in the late 19th & early 20th century, so I'm currently reading up on people like William Massey, Ernest Rutherford, Richard Pearse, and the NZ composer Alfred Hill. It'll be interesting trying to juggle preparation for the show with fulltime work - I've had it fairly easy this year so time to turn the heat up a bit.

In the meantime I'm aiming to play some local gigs over summer - first is on December 9th (my 28th birthday) at the Shark Club in Nelson. Then there's an 11-piece Australian noise ensemble Sun of Seventh Sister wanting to play here in late January which should be interesting (not a whole lot of avant garde music fans in Nelson that I know of - people here still just think I'm weird).

I've been fairly quiet on the blogging front here, more of my attention is shifting to - feel free to drop by, and add me as a friend...

Posted by fiffdimension at 10:11 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 20, 2006

back from the West Coast

I just got back from the West Coast tour - Hokitika, Greymouth,
Westport & Blenheim. Went really well, Greymouth raining, Westport was packed, Blenheim was pumping, the Buller River full of silted stormwater and floating logs. The West Coast is pretty damn special.

I'm working on a new show for the Wellington Fringe called Steampunk
Folktronica - kind of a parallel universe story with multimedia and
live music, at the Film Archive on Feb 16-17. Will be very
interesting to develop it over the summer and do South Island rock
gigs to work it up into something.

Come and see developments over at, it's got video clips and sounds and is an example of user-generated content in the internet 2.0 age. My how the ages fly by so fast. I'll be 28 in a couple of weeks, running out of time to die a rock star death in my own vomit at 27...

Posted by fiffdimension at 02:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack