August 11, 2009

It's not for lack of events in my life that I haven't been blogging much here in th past few years by the way.

It's not for lack of events in my life that I haven't been blogging much here in th past few years by the way. I've lived in the South Island, Australia, South Korea and the former Yugoslav republic of Montenegro, travelled overland across Mongolia and Russia on the train, saw and heard a lot of things that exploded my view of the world. I ran out of money in Europe and came back to NZ to rebuild, ride out the economic landslide and spend some time with my Dad who's now got months rather than decades ahead of him. Blogging about my life now seems a bit...2003.

As does - got to contemporise...

Posted by fiffdimension at 08:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack