January 22, 2004

Pics from Kapcon

Got these links off RPG net...the first is this bunch. I can be seen in Evil House monkey's game leaning forard, head in hand drawing. I am having fun in this game, honestly!

If you scroll down you can see Luke doing a silly dance. Aheheh. Keep scrolling to right at the bottom to see the incredible death/demon gate special effects.

The other one is here, There are heaps of cool photos on here, I really like how Debbie got into so many of the first photos. If you scroll down about half way there are some with Giffy in, looking slayer-esque and two pictures of Margie. Keep going to the group of Women up on 'stage' and there's me and Evie. I look decidedly uncertain in the first one, and I'm almost completely obscured in the second.

It's a pity there are no photos of the climax and us all standing around chanting. Oh well. Now got right to the bottom and look at the group shots. I am front and centre, charmed sisters on one side, Leo (husband) on the right and slayer to the front of me. Excellent.

Posted by jenni at January 22, 2004 06:12 AM