June 09, 2004

Phenomenon (do doooo do-do do!)

I have been meaning to mention this for a while...you know how sometimes when you eat something it's *the best* something you've ever eaten?

For example: a couple of weeks ago on a cold Friday I had fish and chips for lunch. I was really hungry and I had to walk to get them in the cold and the wind. It was almost but not barely raining.
When I got the fish and chips they were hot and crispy and squishy in the middle and they tasted *so good*. They were the best chips I've ever had.

Chocolate almost always fulfills this phenomenon, but not always. I bought some Nestle smooth and milky and it's gross. On the other hand Lee's sister gave me a milk Terry's chocolate orange and that is always best ever.

Posted by jenni at June 9, 2004 03:39 PM