I haven't eaten enough today. My stomach is complaining but I'm putting off taking my break so that the afternoon goes quicker. It makes sense to me OK?
I spent my lunch hour buying birthday presents which is why I haven't eaten enough. My phone battery died so I can't text Giffy about going to Coppelia on Friday 29th October.
Last night's sewing went well. I was able to sort out the sewing machine and with a bit of frustration got the bodice together. Next is sleeves, but I actually want to start on the proper dress. I am impatient now that I see how easy it will be.
List of things I need for my birthday dress: interfacing
~ thin leather strap/cord/lacing...I'm thinking about 1cm wide, anyone know where I could get that? I may make my own out of PVC. I need about a metre's worth.
~black lace? I kinda want some but I'm scared it'll look tacky. Does black lace look tacky all the time?
Posted by jenni at October 5, 2004 01:56 PM