October 06, 2004

You must now behave inappropriately to each other

Last night's playtest of the Jane Austen game went very well. There was much hilarity and nastiness. I have a bunch of funny quotes which I might put up later if'n you're interested.

Got some good feedback on how it ran too. Then Svend scared me by saying more or less "of course it's going to run well with such awesome players" which made me a little worried about running it in a Kapcon situation with unknown players....myeah. It'll pass. I want to run it at Kapcon.

Seraph and Hix met Matt and Debz which was all good in a 'roleplayers meet other roleplayers' kind of way and now they all have something to talk about at my birthday party.

Going to Evita tonight, so I can't get started on my dress yet. The weekend awaits!

I watched that Mistresses program last night to wind down after the crazy game. It was about lying and how to tell if your partner is lying so I suspect the target audience has changed a bit. Next week's one is about revenge! Awesome.

Posted by jenni at October 6, 2004 09:14 AM