Iona's collecting words and punctuation. It makes me think of silly words, like spork.
I saw Evita last night. It was wonderful. It was funny and beautiful and I cried at the start (funeral procession) but not at the end, when she was actually dying. I thought the actor playing Evita was very good BUT she got a bit screechy when she wanted to be loud or put a lot of emphasis on the lines.
It's awful to compare her with Madonna in the movie because hello? Studios, but it's also kind of inevitable. I mean some of my favourite lines were screechafied last night and Madonna does them so well. Anyway, apart from the few screeches she was lovely and good. Peron was also great, but Che was the best. He's the everyman type narrator guy and an awesome character. The guy playing him was fantastic. Sill accents and funky dancing and attitude galore.
I loved it. It was awesome. Go and see it.
Plus, dinner at Monsoon Poon again. I had Indo-Chinese fried fish which was even better than I remembered. Dad had Phillipines style pork which was very nice and there was also mee goreng and phoenix-and-dragon. Lovely.
Posted by jenni at October 7, 2004 09:33 AM