January 21, 2005

Shaky Ises take 2

I didn't want any more earthquakes! It was a big one this morning. Big enough that I went for the door frame (didn't fo that at all the other night) and stuff fell off out bookshelf. They were precariously balanced things but still. Stuff falling off shelves!

Now I'm scared to go to work in case it's The Big One and I get stranded there and Lee's at home and he just got back and I wanna be with him. I'm not sure irrational fear is a valid reason for calling in sick though. It was bigger than the Tuesday ones though, and closer to us.

In other news, Lee came home! He bought me such a beautiful thing: a scrapbook/photo album bound in Kauri. It's really very lovely. I also got rock candy and a cute little flower necklace made from Kauri cones.

We also talked through some things that I figured out in the time we spent apart, so that's all good.

Watched some more Lost! Squee!

Right, my belly's still turning over with shaky earth fear, but I need to have a shower. Laters!

Posted by jenni at January 21, 2005 08:15 AM