As with last year, I'll do a quick summary of games and add in some quotes that I recorded. I will start now:
First thing Saturday I packed up everything I remembered needing and picked up Star from the railway station. I drove us up the wrong road but eventually we got to Kapcon. It was great to see all the rpgers that I don't see otherwise (because I keep forgetting to go to WARGS).
My first session game was Dale's The High Price of Spandex, which is a fantastic game. Depth and hilarity and awesome puzzles. I played Professor Eternity, and inventor from 1840 who has kept herself ageless and disease free with her Bodice of Multitudinous Function. Heee!
some quotes;
Dale as German supervillain Iron Cross trying to piss off the Arnuld-like Ground Zero: "Zero! You are look like little girl! I have comtempt for American!"
Captain Hope: Where do you come from? Like Minnesota or something?
Legionnaire: I think you would call it Hell.
Prof. Eterniy: Ah, so it is Minnesota.
In the second round I ran my Jane Austen game Matchmaking and Machinations. It went Very Well Indeed. I had some very good players (only one gender-bending, a guy as Patience) and here are some of the quotes...
Darryl: I will try to keep the slime to myself
Alice: That is good, I wouldn't want it to discolour my outfit.
Patience: She looks happy! I can't approve of that.
Darryl: How did you find these sisters?
Elliot: They came through the front door.
D: Ah, I see your wit is as...........ever.
Darryl on Lily: It would be unfair to unleash her on the men of London.
Elliot: There seems to be silence from the other room.
Patience: Dear me, you don't suppose they could be holding hands?
hee hee hee. It was verily a session of hilarity. After that I ate fish and chips and talked to people and then it was a weird moment of coincidence as I was in Conan's Nobilis game playing Mischief right before the LARP just like last year. It was a wonderful game, although much more scary and serious than last year's which meant I didn't get to make nearly as much mischief as I had intended. I did however create a new pop song "My Immortal Toxic of Love"
...and there was a bit when people said "They're not from Now yet" which I thought was rather eloquent and lovely.
The the LARP. I have no quotes from the LARP funnily enough, but I had a great time. Sam and I played Amazon sisters and I was a battle truck mechanic. We got some airbrush make-up. Green stripes over the eyes and a brown stylised A on the arm. We looked pretty darn cool, but the amount of effort that went into the evil mutant costumes was astounding. Ian's Best Costume award was well deserved.
Spent the night meeting people and recruiting help to free Giffy, who was playing the Amazon Queen captured by the world's most annoying and smug slavers. Great fun!
Was very tired when we got home and spent a good 15 minutes scrubbing at my eyes with cleanser and baking soda to remove green stuff. It was Ok at the start but there's only so long you wanna do that sort of thing. I still have the A on my arm. It's cool.
Sunday morning I played a crook in The Life which was a retro 80's cops and robbers movie mini-LARP. It was very very fun. I got to think I was Lancelot for a while, but unfortunately the cowardly cops shot me to death in the Warehouse. Including the one who was my Ex-fiance and the one who was really on our side. Niiiiice. Still I got to watch the very well organised car chase sequence and two of the crooks got away so that was neaty.
As it happened the people in my game raved about it to others and since Giffy hadn't gotten into it I felt pressured enough to run my game again. That's what I did yesterday afternoon. It went even better, in that for once the dastardly Elliot character managed get married and pay off his gambling debts.
Also the players were so happy to echange barbs and innuendoes that I hardly had to prompt them into changes of scene. Plus James was a fantastic Mr Darcy type, getting heroically wet in a shallow stream and broodily stalking corridors.
Some quotes...
Elliot: I'm sure there are some suitable ladies here
Darryl: Fawning sycophants all.
Darryl: We can try out this politeness business.
Patience: Thank you Mr Knight, your boots smell slightly better than they did earlier.
Alice: She loves to ride! Riding is one of the greatest joys for Elsbeth!
Darryl: Mr Mckinley has escorted many ladies into the hedge maze.
Alice:...and every lady has come out with a smile on her face and a spring in her step!
just a little later...Elliot: no one knows this maze as well as me!
Patience: The French should be English.
Darryl: He assured me his intentions were honourable!
Alice: But what about Lily's?!
awesome fun. Giffy played Alice, Star was Patience and the others were all equally awesome. It also marked the first time Lily was able (via dice roll) to act politely. Then she eloped to Paris with Mr Elliot Mckinley. It was awesome.
Then it was hanging around and waiting time for the prize-giving. Scott asked if I was staying for it which gave me an inkling but I assumed I wouldn't be winnin anything, since I didn't play enough games to get a best player award and I only ran my game twice so I wouldn't have thought I'd get best GM.
Silly Jenni! James P won best player which I was best pleased with as he had been so good as Mr Darcy-like Darryl. Then Svend won a prize for best single game GM, then I won best GM for the con! I freaked out and was very surprised and pleased as well. I chose a board game called Citadels for my prize, although I did also really want the special edition Mage rulebook. I thought I'd get more use out of the game and also more Lee-approval.
So, now I have best player and best GM awards to my name. I never have to return to Kapcon.
Posted by jenni at January 24, 2005 10:30 AM