November 25, 2005

About the game.

The game last night went really well. The players all got totally into character and I managed to pull off some great moments with NPCs mucking them up and giving them moral dilemmas.

I think the weakest link in the whole thing was me! I've spent so much time working on the mechanics of the game that I've neglected the story. This is very ironic because in a lot of ways it's the most important thing to me as a roleplayer. Story and character development. I need to work out a plot arc, possibly based on the nemesis character invented by the girls last night. (I'm gonna go ahead and call the whole group girls because they all played girls so well!)

So. A bit of thinking needed and then it'll all be shiny. I took Matt's advice of drawing up a timeline as we played complete with problems and named NPCs and I'll pad that out a little more to make a better story. More obvious moral choices make for more conflicts I suspect.

I was very impressed with the performance of the two neophytes. V jumped straight in boots and all with a fantastic turn as the Torn Bystander and Rachel shone as the Banker, using the underhanded tactics one would expect. I am in awe of people who can actually talk in character in the first hour of their first roleplaying game!
They also both made some very funny jokes and some very awesome character problem moments really pop so I am pleased.

I have some quotes but I left them all in a word doc on the laptop so I didn't have to remember them. I'll get them up tomorrow, promise.

Rachel did a good run down in the comments for Giffy here.

Point of Fashion: winter fleece lined skirt
Current Obsession: Weekend weekend weekend weekend

Posted by jenni at November 25, 2005 10:42 AM